On November 5, $9.4 million was awarded to 421 youth development organizations. Awards were distributed across all areas of the state with a focus on organizations most impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and which support priority populations (BIPOC, LGBTQ, migrant/immigrant, youth with disabilities and youth in poverty, among others). Awards range from $10,000 to $50,000 and will be distributed between mid-November and December 15, 2020.
About the Fund
The Washington Youth Development Nonprofit Relief Fund wasmade possible by the CARES Act(Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act)and is being implemented by the Washington State Department of Commerce and School’s Out Washington. This one-time investment addresses the financial and programmatic challenges that have come with COVID-19—acknowledging that lost revenue combined with increased expenses to adhere to new safety measures, leave many organizations at risk of closing their programs or sites.
We really took a dive in the deep end and made a bunch of purchases and hires to make sure our kids could stay connected to class and curriculum during the pandemic. That includes some students in foster care or experiencing homelessness. This is going to go a long way in helping us out and to keeping kids connected to learning!
Jon Luther, Development Specialist at Multicultural Child and Family Hope Center
About the process
The Washington State Department of Commerce chose to work with School’s Out Washington because of our field expertise, equity lens, grant-making experience, and capacity to lead a complex process on an unusually fast timeline. The process was designed to break down barriers to funding for grassroots organizations around the state that directly support BIPOC youth, youth in poverty, and other priority youth populations.
The RFP was released on September 23, and over 600 applications were received by the deadline on October 6. The RFP was translated into 13 languages. Technical assistance was provided by contractors who partnered with the Department of Commerce to support applicants from every region in the state. Peer reviewers from communities throughout Washington were recruited to read and score applications.
- 112 reviewers were selected from over 200 who expressed interest
- 55% of these reviewers identified as BIPOC
- 84% reported having lived experiences/identities connected to BIPOC youth and youth in poverty
- About a dozen youth/young adults were engaged as reviewers
- All reviewers were required to participate in anti-bias training and to examine the approach to application review, using the scoring rubric
Small groups of peer reviewers met to discuss and score the applications and provide feedback to School’s Out Washington. In addition to review groups’ recommendations, SOWA also considered equitable representation among priority populations statewide, and equitable geographic distribution. Final decisions were made in collaboration with the Department of Commerce. Awardees were notified on November 5.
“I had the pleasure to be part of the outreach and review process for the Relief Fund with School’s Out Washington. I was impressed with how inclusive the whole process was and appreciated having young people included in grant reviewing. SOWA reached and awarded a wide range of organizations across the state that serve youth furthest from educational justice.”
Luis Gomez—Program Officer, Community Engagement and Youth Leadership at the
Yakima Valley Community Foundation
About the awardees
The COVID-19 outbreak, extended school closures, and social distancing have deepened inequities and hardships for young people across Washington. In response, youth development programs quickly adapted their services to provide supports for youth and families to whom they are deeply connected. Expanded or adapted offerings have included emergency childcare, social-emotional supports, academic mentoring, virtual programming, and basic needs supports. For many, these organizations have been a sustaining lifeline. By providing access to essential services and pivoting to offer expanded learning opportunities online, they have helped ensure that children and young people remain safe, engaged and supported.
On average, 88% of youth served by awardees are in the Relief Fund’s priority populations (including BIPOC, LGBTQ, migrant/immigrant, youth experiencing homelessness and youth in poverty) and 48% report serving 100% priority youth.
“ During this unprecedented time of economic uncertainty, social upheaval and growing inequities, the organizations that received these funds have navigated great challenges to provide responsive support and connection for children and youth when they need it most. School’s Out Washington is dedicated to supporting and championing the work of youth development providers. But it was these organizations—in this moment— that demonstrated so clearly their essential role in the ecosystem of support for young people in our state. We hope this influx of financial resources helps them to maintain, recover and ultimately thrive.”
Elizabeth Whitford—CEO at School’s Out Washington